We have an ever expanding set of resources to you develop problem solving and decision skills. Over time you will find resources for our wide range of solutions and processes including design thinking, quality decision process, imposter syndrome and more. Some of the resources are for individual use and others are to be used with groups.
If there is a resource we do not have and you think we should please let us know.
Bibliography & Sources
A comprehensive list of the books and other sources we have used to design our problem solving solutions.
From time to time we will review the books from our bibliography in the blog.

7 non-IQ Characteristics (coming soon)
A printable poster of Angela Duckworth's 7 non-IQ characteristics of success. The seven, when taken together, contribute more to a person's long-term success than their intelligence alone.
Duckworth's theory is a game-changer for problem solving and decision skills. We will discuss it's implications in a future blog.

We want to help you cut through the specific terms we use to help you better understand what we do. Here is a list of all the terms with definitions we have used on the site. If you find one we have missed or if you are still not sure what a term means please let us know.

Imposter Syndrome Quiz
Imposter syndrome (IS) disproportionately affects women, artists, academics and people of an above average IQ. In our opinion it is one of the factors which accounts for the gender pay gap. It also affects vast numbers of men. We have provided Dr Pauline Rose Clance's quiz to help you assess the likelihood of your having IS.
PLEASE NOTE: This quiz has been validated by peer reviewed research. We believe the conclusions are accurate and have presented them in good faith. We accept no responsibility for the results. Participants take the quiz knowing that it is purely advisory and should they have concerns they should talk to a qualified professional.